光明体育场 Guang Ming Stadium

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    光明体育场由交通大学香港校友会长、上海交通大学董事会名誉董事、香港菱电(集团)有限公司董事长胡法光先生捐资150万美元,在1998年4月8日母校102周年校庆日正式落成于闵行校区。 胡法关先生1944年毕业于我校机械工程系。在母校百年华诞之际,在闵行校区捐建了该体育场,并亲自定名为“光明”,寓意母校教育事业光辉灿烂,前程似锦。体育场占地6300平方米,建筑面积5711平方米。 

Guang Ming Stadium was constructed on the donation of US$1,500,000 by Mr.Hu Faguang,chairman of the Hongkong Alumni Union of Jiao Tong University,honorary member of the Board of Directors of SJTU,and president of Hongkong Ling Dian(Bloc)Company,Ltd.The building was completed on April 8,1998 at the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the university on Min Hang Campus. Mr.Hu Faguang was graduated from the Mechanic Engineering Department of the university in 1944.At the centennial of the founding of this university,Mr.Hu made a generous contribution to the building of a stadium on Min Hang Campus.He named the stadium Guang Ming(which means brilliance)to symbolize a glorious and promising future of the university. The stadium occupies an area of 63,000 square meter,with a construction area of 5,711 square meter.