浩然高科技大厦 Hao Ran High-Tech Buil




    土木系1936届校友、台湾大陆工程公司创办人、世界建筑业知名企业家殷之浩先生(1915-1994年),于1993年捐赠1000万美元用以建造24层高科技大厦一幢。此后殷氏家族为使大厦更趋完善又追加捐赠200万美元。 殷先生生前亲自将该大厦定名为“浩然高科技大厦”。国家主席、1947届校友江泽民应全校师生的请求,欣然命笔题写“浩然高科技大厦”,以示铭记。

In 1993,Mr.Yin Zhihao(1915-1994),1936 graduate of the Civil Engineering Department of the university,a famous entrepreneur in the world's architecture industry and founder of the Mainland Construction Company in Taiwan,donated US$10,000,000 to build this 24-story high-tech building. Later,US$2,000,000 more was donated for the perfection of this high-tech building. Mr.Yin named the building Hao Ran High-Tech Building in his lifetime.Jiang Zemin,President of the people's Republic od China and 1947 graduate of this university,glanly inscribed the name Hao Ran High-tech Building in his own handwriting at the request of the faculty and students of the university.